Located in Goulburn, NSW

Our Story

Learning to work together ~ Fostering an inclusive community

Our primary social purpose is to cultivate opportunity and foster understanding of disability in regional and rural towns to enable employment success for young neurodiverse adults.

Our employability learning programs are embedded in local communities, empowering people with disability to be seen and valued for their strengths and contributions, raising expectations of families, employers and community members, and promoting genuine inclusion.

Right to Work was founded by Clare Jones and Carolyn Roche in 2021.

Clare Jones

Clare has over 15 years’ experience working with young adults with disability in both educational and allied health settings. Clare holds a Master of Music Therapy and has completed additional training in vocational training and assessment, adult education, autism and sensory processing. She is experienced in using a range of support strategies for people with disabilities, and in individualised assessment, program design and evaluation.

Clare firmly believes that lifelong learning and connections to community are fundamental to wellbeing. She sees the creative arts and movement as powerful tools for learning, and strives to create learning experiences that are fun, engaging and accessible to people of all abilities. Clare is committed to bringing quality services to individuals and families living with disability, particularly those in regional areas.

At Right to Work, Clare is responsible for designing training programs, resources and community-based projects. She also oversees individual learning plans and supports, and completes NDIS reporting. Outside of work, Clare’s other roles have included directing the Bridge to Sing all-abilities choir and mentoring for Goulburn Mulwaree Library’s Mighty Playwrights program.

Carolyn Roche

Carolyn is a parent, carer and advocate for improved choices in life for young people with intellectual disability. Carolyn has also worked in the vocational education and training sector for over 20 years.

Carolyn is keen to ensure that all young people with intellectual disability have access to continuous learning opportunities, particularly in the development of employability skills and building independence.

Carolyn’s goal is to establish a program for her son that will continue long past the time she is around to advocate for him. She is passionate about ensuring that the right supports are in place that enable young people to grow and contribute to their community in a way that meets their individual needs and aspirations.

At Right to Work, Carolyn is responsible for liaison with local businesses and program administration.

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